Hendreds & Harwell

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Healthcare Failures

by hendredsandharwell on 26 April, 2021

Healthcare in Hendreds and Harwell is now beyond a joke….there has, in my view, been systemic failures in planning, communication and provision metrics. Healthcare Oxfordshire has released its annual report from April 2020 – 2021 and the findings are below

What is clear, is we are already in a system that is rife with inequality (the ability to afford private over NHS, and the ability to drive / get public transport to available GP services)

WHERE are the services promised for Great Western Park? Why isn’t the Current County Councillor working with the local District Councillors to fight this cause? Where is everyone before and after an election period – why aren’t they community voices all year round?

I wrote to the OCCG (Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group) about the issues with the lack of Provision on Great Western Park and their response was substandard and non committal….

Next Steps – if you elect me, I will work with the other Didcot based County Councillors to set a motion to the council as soon as we can around Great Western Park and its Healthcare provision…..and I won’t let up until I get an answer.

Issues about living in Didcot and surrounding areas included:

  1. Almost a quarter of respondents complained about access to GP practices and health service appointments.
  2. GP access due to COVID-19 showed that almost a third of people said that the impact had been positive reporting how much better it was to be able to use telephone/video/e-consult as an option.
  3. 54.2% of people were registered with an NHS dentist – many travelling out of area due to lack of NHS provision in Didcot.
  4. 35% (n17) people using NHS dentistry said that since the COVID-19 outbreak there had been “No appointments available since March” and highlighted the issue of “dentists not allowing any checks ups and will only see you in an emergency”
  5. 42% of people reported that traffic and poor road conditions were a negative factor regarding traffic jams and air quality
  6. 15% of people cited lack of provision and facilities for young people and families as a problem in the town
  7. Anti-social behaviour was raised by over 15% of respondents Crime was an issue raised by over 15% of respondents.

Concerns expressed included:

  1. The impact of online/remote access on access to healthcare on those who do not/cannot use these services (internet/mobile phones)
  2. Inequity of access to dentistry services between those who can afford to pay for private care and those who cannot and are reliant on NHS dentistry services.
  3. Impact of housing growth on infrastructure and health services.

You can find the report here

By Sally Povolotsky

Hendreds and Harwell candidate for Oxfordshire County Council

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